Authors |
Baronin Sergey Alexandrovich, Doctor of economic science, professor, sub-department of examination and management of real estate, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (28 G. Titova street, Penza, Russia),
Lyulkina Natalia Mikhaylovna, Postgraduate student, senior lecturer, sub-department of examination and management of real estate, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (28 G. Titova street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. The article describes the results of a market analysis of topical issues of the modern development of the land market in the Russian segment of municipal auction sales of land for housing. The aim of the study is to conduct a comprehensive market analysis to identify development features of the municipal market of auction sales of land for housing in Russia with preparation of scientific and practical recommendations for its development.
Materials and methods. Implementation of the goals and objectives of the study was achieved on the basis of the analysis of the theoretical foundations of market auction sales of land in construction with regard to municipalities, as well as on the basis of representative statistical material for this type of market at the level of the Russian Federation, regions of Russia and the Penza region. The authors applied the methods of statistical analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, structural and logical analysis and market research methodology, based on the principles of market segmentation and customer satisfaction.
Results. The authors adduce the statistics showing the current state, features and development trends of the land market for housing construction and its segment on auction sales at the level of the Russian Federation and the municipality of the city of Penza. The article displays the items of methodical modeling of a territorial market of land for housing construction with a classification analysis of its structure in the auction sales segment. The work suggests methodical proposals for modeling and forecasting dependencies of an initial auction price increase according to the theory of auctions for the conditions of the municipalities of the Russian Federation and the city of Penza. The authors performed a classification and analysis of the significant factor space, affecting the probability of sales of land plots for individual housing construction in the municipality auction of Penza with its economic and mathematical modeling.
Conclusions. It is confirmed that municipalities have an important role in the market of auction sales of land in Russia for housing and have great prospects to its potential marketing development.
Key words |
marketing analysis, land, municipal market of auction sales, land auctions, classification of the land market of auctions, development trends, auction theory, probability of land sales, forecasting, increase in value of an initial auction price.
References |
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